Monday 17 October 2011


“Jogging is very beneficial.  It’s good for your legs and your feet.  It’s also very good for the ground.  It makes it feel needed.” – Charles Schulz, peanuts
In my last article I discussed why you might want to consider doing more jogging in this summer.  One of the reasons I put forward was that jogging has many health benefits.  In this article I am going to discuss these health benefits in greater detail.
Firstly, did you know that jogging is very important in our life? Do you know about the benefits of jogging? So today I want to inform my audience about the advantage of jogging in our life.
Jogging is similar to walking in that it can be done anytime and anywhere such as at the track, beach, or mountain.
There are many benefit of jogging, but today I would like to discuss a major point benefit of jogging. The first major benefit is to reduced blood pressure. It is refers to the force with which your blood pushes against your blood vessel walls. If your blood pressure becomes too high it weakens your blood vessel walls which make them more susceptible to aneurysms, atherosclerosis and hemorrhage.
The overall impact is that the flow of blood to and from your heart gets restricted causing it to become weak whilst at the same time having to work increasingly hard to pump blood through these blocked or damaged blood vessels. You also can  improved cardiovascular fitness in that it is refers to how efficient the heart, lungs and vascular system are at delivering oxygen to the muscles that need it and also how efficient these muscles become at using the oxygen.  As your cardiovascular fitness improves your lung capacity increases meaning that you can take in more oxygen with each breath
After that, if jogging, you can be improved your mental fitness, in that it does not just impact your physical fitness it has a positive effect on your mental fitness too.  First, it can build confidence and self image because you are constantly challenging yourself and changing the way your body looks.  Secondly, it can help you overcome anger and stress by giving you an escape from the pressures of day to day life. Other than that jogging also can reduced body fat levels. An average person burns about 150 calories per mile jogged.  So if you go for a five mile jog four times per week you will burn approximately 3000 extra calories each week.
However, jogging is not recommended for those with a bmi (body mass index) above 30 as it puts a high strain on the joints. In this case walking is much more appropriate than jogging.
In conclusion, jogging is very important in our life to nourish your body. We should take the appropriate action before the undesirable problems such as obesity and so on. I hope you have found some value on it and can improve your health from day to day. Thank you


One of the reasons why I am very nervous when talk in front is because before this I never gave a speech in public. I’m very afraid of public speaking because it will fear the embarrassment of making mistakes in front of others. Having worry could be the biggest mistake to me. That why I’m very nervous when a talk to my audience. Therefore, I need to be better prepared when asked to give speeches to the public. When nervousness, I will control myself and I put my body in an unusual situation. However, the level of nervousness can be reduced and so too can the lengths of time that I feel nervous. After that, if I nervous, I will think that I’m very confident. In other words if I stand up with the thought that I will pretend that I'm confident, my audience will have the impression that I’m very confident. I’m also will Relax my Body. This is something that I will do before I have to stand up and is another effective technique to help with nerves. Lastly if I nervous, I will Imagine myself at a time that I performed at my best.


When I communicate with others, I will try to find method that effectively. Many methods that we can use when communicate with others person so that the delivery will be smoothly without nervous. The method that I will can use such as:-
1. Be clear about what I want to express- To communicate effectively with another requires an inner clarity and a thorough communication with other person.
2. Tact and good manners matter- If your communication isn't honest, integrity is lost and relationships suffer. Tact matters as much as honesty.
3. Precision matters- . Expressing yourself fully involves choosing your words precisely.
4. Perspective matters- Understand the framework with speak & listen. Recognize that our framework influences how they listen and what they listen.
5. Responsibility- Communication is about being 100% responsible for the other person's listening. This means that if you don't feel understood, you've not completed the job of communicating.
6. Communication contains context, text and subtext- Communication is the sum of our perspective (context), the words we use (text) as well as our personal motivators and perspectives (subtext). Subtext is also the meaning and the emotions that we assign to the text.
7. The nature of conflict- Conflict & differences of opinion are inevitable, unavoidable and enormously productive. I will learn more from differences of opinion than from validation.